
Showing posts from December, 2017
26 Simple And Most powerful and Effective Quick Home Remedies For Fair Skin Everyone wants to flaunt fair and flawless skin. There are many readymade fairness creams available that will lighten your complexion temporarily. However, they use harsh chemicals that may damage your skin in the long run. If you want fair and glowing skin, it is best to opt for safe home remedies that will have the same effects. Read on to know more. Your skin naturally produces a pigment called melanin that gives it its color. External factors, like sun exposure, can enhance melanin production, causing your skin to develop a tan. It is very difficult to change the amount of melanin naturally present in your skin. However, you can always get rid of the sun tan and pigmentation caused by overexposure to the sun, stress, and neglect by using home remedies. A disciplined approach to skin care can give you the healthy and glowing complexion you have always desired. Include the following remedies for fair s...

15 Most Powerful And Effective Tips & Home Remedies To Become Fair

15 Most Powerful And Effective Tips & Home Remedies To Become Fair While being comfortable with your skin colour is important, it is also nice to know how to become fair should you feel the desire to. 15 Ways to get Fair Skin Naturally: 1.Lemon is known to be a superior bleaching agent and scrubbing about half a lemon on your face regularly will help lighten your skin tone. This is one of the simplest yet effective home remedies for fair skin. 2.The juice of one potato can be squeezed and applied to your face; do it regularly and you will notice a gradual change. 3.Apply the pulp of a mashed tomato on your skin; not only will it lighten your skin tone but it will give it a pink glow too. 4.Mix equal quantities of honey and lemon juice and apply it on your skin. 5.Another great natural way to get fair skin is to mix a tiny amount of cinnamon with about half a teaspoon of honey and apply it on your face. 6.If you have oily skin and want to lighten its tone, then applying...

Instant Fairness Tips: Get Lighter Skin in just 5 Days!

Instant Fairness Tips: Get Lighter Skin in just 5 Days! Apply a mixture of milk and banana on your face. Before going to sleep apply a mixture of raw milk and rose water on your skin. Mix baking soda with water and apply on your face when clean. Let it sit for 15 minutes before you wash it off with water. These natural antidotes to darkening skin combined with a disciplined skin care regime and the use of skin-friendly products by brands like Olay, will have you looking fairer in no time. Very Powerful And Effective 20 Ways To Get Fair & Glowing Skin Naturally Using readymade fairness creams to lighten your skin is fine. But to get truly healthy, glowing and fair skin, you need to work from within. Everybody desires fair, healthy and glowing skin. Just one look at the multiple fairness creams (fairness soaps and deodorants too!) will give you an idea of the massive fairness market. But creams are superficial, artificial applications that might help lighten your s...

Baldness recovery treatment! Baldness cure!! Hair loss treatment! Hair regrowth!

People are very upset about the problem of Baldness . Like hair falling, hair weakness or baldness, etc. It is a very easy, simple solution for all of them.You must be  try this.....  How to make this recipe....  Take 60-70 gram flowers of(Cascabela thevetia) either or both of red or yellow together) to clean them well with dry clothes, so that they can get out of the soil. Now take one liter of mustard oil or coconut oil or olive oil and put the flowers  in the cut. Now keep the oil to heat. When all the flowers  are darkened then remove them and throw them away and refrigerate the oil and keep it in a bottle. How to use Every day where there is no hair, there is a need to massage just a few minutes after taking a little oil and forget it again till next day. You can even sleep at night and even before going to work in the day. Result  In just one month you will begin to see the impact. Within just 10 days, hair loss will stop or very little ...

Hair loss treatment for men!! Baldness cure!! Fastest hair recovery!! Hair loss treatment!!

Image दोस्तों आजकल बालों की बहुत ही ज्यादा समस्या लोगों में चल रही है बाल झड़ रहे हैं गंजापन आ रहा है, बालों की जड़ें बहुत ही ज्यादा कमजोर हो गई है और बालों में डैंड्रफ की समस्या बहुत ज्यादा आ रही है हेयर फॉलिंग की समस्या आ रही है, बाल सिल्की नहीं है soft नहीं हैं  तो दोस्तों जो अपने बालों को मजबूत करना चाहते हैं जो अपने बालों को टूटने से बचाना चाहते हैं गंजापन से बचना चाहते हैं, डैंड्रफ से छुटकारा पाना चाहते हैं,अपने बालों को स्मूथ और सिल्की बनाना चाहते हैं अपने बालों को जल्द से जल्द लंबा करना चाहते हैं मजबूत बनाना चाहते हैं तो आप मेरे इस बताए हुए नुस्खे को आजमाइए और अपनी सारी बालों की समस्याएं जड़ से खत्म कर दीजिए!!!  Recipe no 1 तो दोस्तों सबसे पहले भांग के पत्तों का रस (150 grams) और तिल का तेल 200 ग्राम में ले लीजिए अब इसमें 15-16 लाल घुंघची काट के डाल दीजिए अब तिल के तेल को गर्म करना शुरू कर दीजिए जब सारी चीजें इस तेल में अच्छे से मिक्स हो जाए तो इस तेल को छानकर हल्का सा ठंडा कर लीजिए अब इस तेल को आपको रोज रात को सोने से पहले सर में ह...

Female hair loss treatment!! Hair growth for men!! Hair loss treatment!!

How to grow your hair quickly, how to protect your  hair from breaking down, how to make your hair silky and soft, how to finish your dandruff problem.  Friends now a days many problems of hair are being run in people, hair loss is coming baldness, the hair has become very weak and the problem of dandruff in hair is coming very much. There is a problem of hair falling. Hair is not silky, not soft. So friends who want to strengthen their hair, who want to protect their hair from breaking down, want to avoid baldness, get rid of dandruff, want to make your hair smooth and silky, want to make your hair lengthen as soon as possible, If you want to strengthen your hair, then you must be try this my prescription and eliminate all your hair problems. Recipe no-1 So friends first take 150 grams juice of cannabis leaves and mix with 250 grams of sesame oil, now put 15 to 20 berry of shrub abrus precatarius with cutting, now start heating of sesame oil.When all the ingredients m...